“what your rather vague replies are saying is that you do ordinary things and can note ordinary things”
No, it has nothing to do with ordinary things either. Not raising a finger for or against, when there is not even a trace of entanglement in ones intellect - what will you call this ?
“So can a 5 year old.”
It is not really the case. A five year old, although living in a field which is far more natural and spotnaneous than the average person, is far too entangled in his conditioning to be capable of being mindful in the moment. Perhaps there are rare glimpses, but those glimpses are just accidental. Otherwise, he is ignorant of himself. That is why the expansion of consciousness has nothing to do with something which many fanatics have been declaring, of becoming a child again. Certainly you can be born again, a revelation can happen which shatters the past to its foundation- but it has nothing to do with being a child, which is just a state of stagnation.
“How does that make you enlightened? You can do things that 99.9% of us can do”
Do not take it for granted that most people can do things which appear to be outwardly very ordinary. When walking, you are not really walking. When sitting, you are not really sitting. When eating, you are not really eating. If one just observes ones mind, not for a moment or two, but as an ongoing stream of meditation - then one will witness just how many times in twenty four hours ones mind is entangled in imagination. Though that cannot be done through just concentration or controlling the mind, because concentration means to focus ones mind upon a single object. And so far, I have not heard you speak of anything else except control and concentration.
Though most people move their legs - they do not walk. Though light is entering into the eyes, they do not see. Rare, as rare as finding a pearl in the desert, is one who sees what one sees and hears what one hears.
“In the other thread you told me you get thousands of thoughts a day and even revealed an attachments to thoughts.”
In the other thread the intention was simply to bring it to your awareness that thoughts or no-thoughts, a silent mind is a silent mind. If just a single ripple of thought can disturb your silence, it is not the true silence. It is not that thoughts or impressions are arising, that ones silence is being disturbed, it is just that the moment the mind becomes identified with them - then ones clarity becomes clouded, ones vision becomes distorted. If one had known anything of meditation - then one would already know this. Since you are fond of Patanjali, Patanjali has said that this is one of the greatest psychological hindrances - to have either attraction towards or aversion from. If you consider Patanjali an authority, you should see into what he means. What he is indicating is that the moment the mind becomes prejudiced towards whatever arises in ones field of experience including thought, ones perception becomes disillusioned.
“How are you different to us mere mortals?”
I know that it has been fashionable to try and be humble through calling oneself a mere mortal - but it just shows how identified one is with either ones mind or body.